SUNLINE Siglon PE x8 [10m x 5colors] 300m #2.5 (40lb)SKU49688134326840Overview高性价比全类型8片套PE线!采用微距制造方法组装的8片“EX-PE”线条,流畅无比。这种由8片套组成的完美圆形结构显著减少了导向阻力,实现了投掷时线条少叫声、更流畅。颜色鲜明,大幅减少褪色现象。多色类型适用于从船钓到大鱼等游戏钓的多种钓鱼类型,色彩轮换视觉效果好。颜色:10米 x 5种颜色 蓝色、粉红、橙色、绿色、红色。特点线长300 m线测40 lbs线 #2.5D线0.26 mm编织线数8品牌SUNLINECN ¥119 CN ¥0 4968813432684客户评论和评级Be the first to write a review of this product!Customers who bought SUNLINE Siglon PE x8 [10m x 5colors] 300m #2.5 (40lb) also boughtSUNLINE Siglon PE x8 [10m x 5colors] 300m #1 (16lb)CN ¥139比较SUNLINE Siglon PE x8 [10m x 5colors] 300m #1.2 (20lb)CN ¥139比较SUNLINE Siglon PE x8 [10m x 5colors] 300m #1.5 (25lb)CN ¥139比较SUNLINE Siglon PE x4 [10m x 5colors] 200m #0.6 (10lb)CN ¥57比较SUNLINE Siglon PE x4 [10m x 5colors] 200m #0.8 (12lb)CN ¥57比较SUNLINE Siglon PE x8 [10m x 5colors] 200m #0.6 (10lb)CN ¥103比较DECOY Katsuichi WL-02 Wire Short Leader 7cm #48CN ¥16比较JACKALL Big Backer Jig 15g #Green Gold Glow DotCN ¥33比较PROX PX8282B PE Cut Light Pliers BentCN ¥18比较LONGIN Levin Mini #024 Bora (Lens Holo)CN ¥77比较LONGIN Levin Mini #025 Lens Candy (Silver Powder Lame)CN ¥77比较DUO Bay Ruf Manic Slow 95 #CLB0230 Ghost Pearl ChartCN ¥74比较