The smallest in the series! Micro size of feeding!
Pompadour is one of the masterpieces of Tsutomu Kawashima's lures.
Introducing the micro size, which is designed to be used in pompadors, which boast numerous achievements.
In the simple winding, the metal parts firmly grasp the water and show a stable crawl. In addition, it supports single-point shakes in the image of insects struggling on the water surface.
The appearance of swimming on the surface of the water with a small body attracts people and fish just by using it.
As a beginner's first step, it should teach you the fun of fishing.
Of course, even in the high pressure field, it will exert its full potential.
It's not just that you can fish because it's small, but the feedback from Tsutomu Kawashima's experience has made it an item with condensed elements of fishing.