Shaking used to slow in medium/close range fight
Sinking pencil!
■ Stable swimming posture even in medium/close range warfare!
■ Keep the target range quickly with the sudden rise of water!
■ Appeal fiercely to the target with a dragged wave that shakes greatly!
It is not mere downsizing, it lives in medium and long distances For Aldente 95S, it is Aldente 70S which corresponds to medium/near distance war, which draws a line with distance, speed and action with fish. Taking advantage of the small size and the lightness of the weight, securing a stable swimming attitude so as not to miss byte opportunities to the feet. Furthermore, unlike the discreet action 95S, Sinking adopts a slow swing action entering from the peculiar head, In order to maximize the interest of neutral fish. Because it is also compatible with a small sandwarm, sandworm swimming for laying eggs It is indispensable until the end of the season.