The power of Chinu's jaw is beyond imagination. With normal jig heads for rockfish, it is often chewed at the moment of bite. "Chinu Head SV-30" is a jig head dedicated to the Bay Chinu game, which has the strength to not be crushed, a form that perfectly penetrates the hard jaw of Chinu, and sharpness. It supports various methods that have been proven in various places, as well as the falling method with small tubes. And the use of mussels as bait is also completely. #2 is recommended for boat games, and #4 is recommended for okappari games.
в—Џ High balance design pursuing the best falling balance.
в—Џ A strong sharp hook that perfectly pierces hard jaws without being crushed by chinu.
в—Џ Hook shape that slides out to Chinu's lips and hooks up.
в—Џ Round head that matches all worms .