TORAY Toray Shorin Ayu Tsukeito Special [Natural] 30m #1.2 (5lb)SKU49606858836700概述 Realized high knot strength that can withstand impact. Special coating reduces creasing. Please use according to the strength of the line you are using.特点线长30 m线测5 lbs线 #1.2D线0.185 mm品牌TORAYCN ¥25 CN ¥0 SKU数量价格 4960685883670 0 CN ¥25 4960685883670_K 0 CN ¥28 折扣 折扣类別 折扣 折扣, % 积分回赠 积分回赠 5% 0 24.96 客户评论和评级成为第一个对此产品撰写评论的人!