SUNLINE Matsuda 3B [Yellow/Green]

SUNLINE Matsuda 3B [Yellow/Green]


The first Matsuda float in the Matsuda series, a Matsuda-style semi-guided horizontal float

This is a semi-guided horizontal float that allows you to search all layers of the water by having the V-shaped float stopper and sinker ball stop at any desired depth, while avoiding the rig getting caught on bottoms or crawling on the bottom.

It can also be used for traditional full depth fishing by removing the float stopper, or for sinking fishing using lead with more buoyancy than is necessary.

This float can be used for a wide range of reef fishing, including surface bluefish, shallow longtail and spawning sea bream, and deep-sea grunt and red sea bream.

The body color is a krill-matching color (matte finish) that is effective against wary sea bream, and the yellow-green color scheme on the top of the float provides excellent visibility.

The M size has a similar feel to the conventional Matsuda float, while the L size is a heavy model with improved casting distance and stability.

  • Size: M
  • Weight: 6–8 g
  • Width: 21~22
  • Height: 30~32


CN ¥172
0 CN ¥172
0 CN ¥172
折扣类別 折扣 折扣, % 积分回赠
积分回赠 5% 0 168.6
