WHIPLASH's first minnow was based on the concept of "steady for retrieve and acrobatic for jerk", and after careful manual adjustment and repeated tests, it took shape. In slow retrieve, a tight rolling type steady swim with clear blinking with a little wobble, and in the high speed range, wobble increases but straight running stability is maintained. Surprisingly, it can withstand running water. As for jerk, it is a dirt that flashes out with vertical input. The fine twitch ignites the predatory instinct of the fish eater by developing a twisting flutter and a writhing that makes the body look bent. Assuming a strong target, the body thickness is usually plus 10% to 1.1mm. In addition, each eye has also been strengthened and enlarged to accommodate split rings that are slightly larger than the standard. Versatile minnows can only be used for various purposes and for various target fish. TBR aimed for that very versatile. It is an ideal image of a "universal lure" that Minnow should be.