A classic iron plate vibe for sea bass games !!. .. The two eyes are suitable for high speed to medium speed when the front part is set, and slow retrieve for the rear part, and can be used properly according to the situation of the day. .. 15g mainly responds to the demands of land-based anglers, and the conventional usability remains the same, but the light weight makes it easier to use in shallow areas. .. Also, when using it in a boat game, you can use it according to the bait size that Seabass is preying on. .. 26g is mainly for structure hitting in the harbor area and search bait in open areas.
A classic iron plate vibe for sea bass games !!. .. The two eyes are suitable for high speed to medium speed when the front part is set, and slow retrieve for the rear part, and can be used properly according to the situation of the day. .. 15g mainly responds to the demands of land-based anglers, and the conventional usability remains the same, but the light weight makes it easier to use in shallow areas.