SHIMANO 18 Engetsu Premium 150HG

SHIMANO 18 Engetsu Premium 150HG


A fall function has been added to the smooth constant speed winding performance of the micro module gear. The smooth line release by the level wind linkage and the synergistic effect of the fall lever allow you to freely and accurately control the fall speed. In addition, the counter displays not only the water depth but also the fall and winding speed, and it is fully equipped with toughness such as waterproofness and durability. It supports "aggressive tairaba" that is one step ahead. It is a machine that you should use for delicate strategies such as metal sutte games, including bargaining with large sea bream.


Reel Hand
Reel Gear Ratio
Reel Weight
250 g
Reel Spool Depth
PE #0.8 - 400 m ; PE #1 - 330 m ; PE #1.5 - 200 m
Reel Bearing # +1
Reel Drag Force
5 kg
Reel Winding Length
78 cm
Reel Other
Handle Arm Length: 51 mm
US $262
0 US $262
0 US $230.53
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