SHIMANO 15 Metanium DC XG RH

SHIMANO 15 Metanium DC XG RH


In addition to the 3-mode internal dial, the I-DC5 has an external dial that allows you to select between 4 semi-auto and 1 auto settings depending on the lure weight, making brake settings easy.

Auto covers the middle of semi-auto volume 2 to 4.

1. A position suitable for heavier lures of 18 to 30g with low air resistance, such as large vibrations and jigs.
2. A position that corresponds to a wide range of weights of 10 to 20g, such as medium-sized vibrations and spinner baits.
3. A position that matches lures of 8 to 12g with high air resistance, such as minnows and shallow cranks.
4. A position that allows you to cast lightweight lures of 5 to 8g, such as no-sinker worms and small shads, without stress.

AUTO. A wide position that covers the middle of volume 2 to 4.


Reel Hand
Reel Gear Ratio
Reel Weight
195 g
Reel Spool Depth
12 lb - 120 m ; 14 lb - 100 m ; 16 lb - 85 m ; 20 lb - 70 m
Reel Bearing # +1
Reel Drag Force
5 kg
Reel Winding Length
91 cm
Reel Other
Handle arm length: 48 mm
US $374.55
0 US $374.55
0 US $337.12
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