SOULS Mocurapper Slim #Blue Back Eye-Catching Pink

SOULS Mocurapper Slim #Blue Back Eye-Catching Pink


It has proven its excellent performance and ability on both tuna and GT. This fact proves that the unique surround sound of the Mocurapper is effective. Its characteristic is that the cup is larger, but it is not a popper. It is a new type of swimming sound pencil that is different from general water-entanglement pencils. By diving into the water, it creates an even more appealing sound and vibration than the Airmatic. And the angled cup allows it to swim like a minnow. The Mocurapper Slim was made as a mole rapper that can handle long jerks. When targeting GT, yellowtail, etc., long jerks are the basic technique. It is easy to hit bluefin tuna with long jerks, and it is also good for GT and yellowtail. That is the Mocurapper Slim.


Lure Weight
120 g
Lure Length
210 mm
0 US $0
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