SHIMANO Yumeya 19C Spool 2500PE 0815SKU49693630405890OverviewPE Line: 0.6 - 200 m, 0.8 - 150 m, 1 - 100 mFeaturesBrandSHIMANOAccessory Size2500US $73.47 US $0 SKUQuantityPrice 4969363040589 0 US $73.47 4969363040589_K 1 US $73.47 Customer reviews and ratingsBe the first to write a review of this product!Customers who bought SHIMANO Yumeya 19C Spool 2500PE 0815 also boughtSLP WORKS SLPW LT Type-Alpha 2000SS Spool 2 / BlackUS $34.28To comparisonDAIICHISEIKO Kousoku Recycler 2.0US $39.33To comparisonMEIHO VS-318DD BlackUS $5.89To comparisonTORAY Trout Real Fighter PE [Natural Pink] 100m #0.3 (6lb)US $12.83To comparisonTORAY Trout Real Fighter PE [Natural Pink] 100m #0.4 (7lb)US $12.83To comparisonFOREST Fix Impact 2.5g #13 Orange UguisuUS $3.44To comparisonFOREST Fix Impact 2.5g #15 Orange StripeUS $3.44To comparisonFOREST Fix Impact 2.5g #18 Green GlowUS $3.65To comparisonFOREST Fix Impact 2.5g #04 Shiny Blue silverUS $3.44To comparisonRODIO CRAFT QM 2.8g #06 Fluorescence PinkUS $3.30To comparisonRODIO CRAFT QM 3.3g #47 Fukuda 02US $3.44To comparisonMUKAI Zanmu 35MR F # Classic 17 Full Moka Ore GlowUS $8.49To comparison