SHIMANO Sephia SS Tip Eging F-S68M-S

Sephia SS Tip Eging Rod
With advanced performance inherited from higher-end models, the Sephia SS series is dedicated to tip eging, bringing an intensified eging experience through two distinct rod actions: the "R" and "F" actions. The R action retains Shimano's traditional eging feel, while the F action is designed with a more sensitive tip to enable aggressive, proactive jigging. This makes the F action ideal for calm conditions, high-activity periods, and fishing spots close to the water's surface where precise action is essential. Available in various lengths, from short to long, the series emphasizes exceptional sensitivity and usability.
The rod tip incorporates Tough Tech ∞ material, which enhances handling ease and enables the angler to detect even the faintest bites with high visual sensitivity. This specialized tip material balances durability and sensitivity, making it perfect for detecting subtle movements while maintaining ease of use.

Sephia SS Tip Eging F-S68M-S:
Performance in Late Autumn and Deep Waters
In late autumn and deep water areas, as well as in swift currents, this rod excels in delivering sharp, enticing actions, even in conditions where the resistance from the lure is strong. It is designed to perform effectively at depths of 20 to 50 meters and beyond, allowing anglers to maintain precise control and responsiveness. This capability ensures that the lure's presentation remains enticing, maximizing the chances of attracting and hooking target species in challenging environments.
Key Features:
Newly Introduced "F" Action for Enhanced Tip Sensitivity

Full Model Overhaul for Greater Performance

- The F-S511M-S model, a short rod ideal for responsive, manual-like handling and quick casting in calm conditions.
- The F-S68M-S model, which excels in deep or fast currents, enabling crisp jerking actions even under high drag from the jig.
The "R" action, meanwhile, carries on the tradition of the Sephia SS Tip Eging series, optimized for lighter handling and stability in various conditions. With models like the R-S511ML-S, prioritizing lightness and maneuverability, and the R-S72ML-S, which offers stability in wind and waves, these rods cover a range of field conditions nationwide, allowing anglers to execute fundamental eging techniques with precision.
Tough Tech ∞ Tip for Unmatched Sensitivity
Another significant upgrade in the Sephia SS series is the incorporation of the Tough Tech ∞ solid tip, a hallmark of high durability and flexibility. This advanced tip material boasts three times the wrap strength and five times the density of typical solid tips (compared to Shimano’s previous models), making it both robust and supple. It enhances the rod's visual sensitivity, making it easier to detect subtle movements in the tip—whether it’s bouncing, dipping, or vibrating.
The Tough Tech ∞ tip also performs when the egi is stationary, absorbing wave impact that would otherwise disrupt lure stability. This added control supports the lure's stance, contributing to higher catch rates and ensuring peak performance in tip eging.
Rod Type | Joint |
Rod Sections (pcs) | 2 |
Rod Length | 2.03 cm |
Rod Closed Length | 95 cm |
Rod Weight | 104.9 g |
Rod Test | — 80 g |
Rod Line | PE # 0.4~1 |
Rod Action | NA |
Rod Tip/Butt Diam | 0.8mm |
Rod Other | Reel seat position (mm): 317 |
Rod Material | Carbon content (%): 97.9 |
Brand | SHIMANO |
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