SHIMANO Cardiff Chibitoro 25S ZO-C25T # 004SKU49693638124900OverviewSHIMANO Cardiff Chibitoro 25S ZO-C25T # 004 premium quality Lures at reasonable price Fishingshop.kiwiFeaturesLure Weight1.7 gLure Length25 mmLure TypeSinkingLure Range0.5 ~ 1 mBrandSHIMANOUS $7.54 US $0 4969363812490Customer reviews and ratingsBe the first to write a review of this product!Customers who bought SHIMANO Cardiff Chibitoro 25S ZO-C25T # 004 also boughtRUDIE'S GyoshiRaba 1.5g #GlowUS $3.63To comparisonRUDIE'S GyoshiRaba 2.0g #GiraGiraUS $3.63To comparisonRUDIE'S GyoshiRaba 2.0g #KuroKin LameUS $3.63To comparisonRUDIE'S GyoshiRaba 2.0g #Do ChartUS $3.63To comparisonDAIWA Kohga BayRubber Free β 100g #Do ChartUS $8.97To comparisonVALKEIN KuGa Nano #C223 Gokujo TsubuanUS $9.73To comparisonVALKEIN KuGa Nano S #C081 Core PinkUS $9.73To comparisonSHIMANO Chibitoro TR-125N pink glow 001US $7.54To comparisonGOLDEN MEAN UV Led Light BlueUS $6.58To comparisonGOLDEN MEAN UV Led Light Gun MetalUS $6.58To comparisonMAJOR CRAFT Dangan Kantan Leader [Clear] 1m #1.5 (6lb)US $1.78To comparisonMAJOR CRAFT Dangan Kantan Leader [Clear] 1m #2.5 (10lb)US $1.78To comparison