MARIA Fla-Pen S85 # 11H Bora Glow

MARIA Fla-Pen S85 # 11H Bora Glow


11H Bora Glow

Lens holo has a diffuse reflection effect and is the color with the highest flushing effect during slow retrieve. The issuance of luminous berries creates a mullet that swims just below the surface of the water.


A new category flap pencil with a feeling of pull resistance and a feeling of retrieve
Product features
The flap brought about super wide rolling action + baitfish backward wave

Flapen is not an ordinary pencil bait.
If you simply increase the retrieve speed, it has the characteristic of floating. If you make good use of this characteristic by manipulating the rod, you can get the range you want from the middle layer to the surface layer at your will.
The flap is also a kind of stabilizer. This movable type has a flap that is 131.4 ° during retrieval, which makes it possible to take a range with the course aimed at by the angler's retrieve and rod operation. With the conventional pencil bait, even in a situation where it is still swept away by the tide, by operating the rod and line mending, the flapen can easily lead to the course and point aimed at.
Also, when falling, the flaps are closed, but due to the shape that projects to the left and right of the body, the flapen gives a shimmering action.

Motion image

A test photo with a smoke screen in the water. You can clearly see that there are underwater waves that are very similar to the waves that the bait fish moved its tail.

Motion image


The flaps are closed. When casting, it creates a super-flying distance that floats up as a horizontal wing. Shimmering action when falling.

Motion image


The flap opens at the start of the retort leave. Not only is it the cornerstone of rolling action, but it also produces strong, bait-like backward waves.


Lure Weight
15 g
Lure Length
85 mm
Lure Type
Lure Range
0.5 ~ 1 m
US $13.70
0 US $13.70
Product discounts
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Cash Back 5% 0 97.47
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