HAYABUSA SE108 Muso Madai Penetration Floating Tenya FD No.12 #08 Gorgeous Glitter Gold

HAYABUSA SE108 Muso Madai Penetration Floating Tenya FD No.12 #08 Gorgeous Glitter Gold


It was developed with the opinion that the predatory behavior of fish changes drastically depending on the tide conditions, such as "two tides with different currents".In addition, the FD is equipped with a "line protection pipe" to prevent accidental damage to Harris. This smoothes the streets of Harris, which is unique to the floating type, and allows you to bite into it more comfortably, allowing you to feel a smaller Atari than ever before. In addition, the step hook is also longer than before by adjusting the length of the lower burr so that the food can be attached without bending.


Lure Weight
0 kg
US $4.84
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