FISHMAN Beams Xpan 7.10LHTS

FISHMAN Beams Xpan 7.10LHTS


Closing size 58cm about 8ft. Swing rod that can be used in various scenes.

Run&Gun and new development are one of the factors that increase fishing results in lure fishing. To the next point, to a new point, to an unseen distance...

When such movements are repeated, it is the storage of the rod that worries anglers. For example, bush rowing, beach walking, and packing for domestic and overseas expeditions.

Beams Xpan 4.3LTS, a telescopic rod named "Extension", has been very active in mountain streams and upstream fields, but a new 7ft 10in long rod has been released while maintaining its mobile performance.

When you arrive at the fishing spot, you can cast immediately by stretching the shortened blanks.

The target is power and length that goes beyond light game and can reach big fish. A light shore game of bush rowing, crossing mountains, rocky shores and ferries. Run&Gun on the riverbed by bicycle, and even an expedition by plane.

A wide range of performance, from light plugs weighing less than 10g to metal lures of over 1oz, can be used in a wide range of ways, from horse mackerel to large seabass, cherry salmon, and even overseas salmon.

The new Xpan extends not only to the field but also to the maximum size of the target fish. Beams Xpan 7.10LHTS, which you always want to carry, may find your new world.

"Telescopic" for easy portability : 

A swinging rod with a closing dimension of 58 cm.

Guide : 

When stored, the base of the top guide fits inside the frame of the second guide, effectively preventing the top from breaking.

Drain hole : 

Drainage hole in the center of the end plate. Prevents water from accumulating inside after use.

Removable end :

Since the end plate is a screw type, it can be removed by turning it.

With hard tip cover : 

Tighten and fix the tip cover belt to prevent tip breakage.


Rod Sections (pcs)
Rod Length
239 cm
Rod Closed Length
58 cm
Rod Weight
183 g
Rod Test
6 — 28 g
Rod Line
PE # 1 ~ 3
Rod Action
Rod Other
Grip length : 420 mm
Rod Material
4-axis carbon
US $286.81
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