ENGINE SpellBound Core High class SCHS-62UL-ST -SightSpecial-

ENGINE SpellBound Core High class SCHS-62UL-ST -SightSpecial-


From the ENGINE "Spellbound Core" series, a new lineup with brushed up materials and guide settings is released!

SCHS-62UL-ST -SightSpecial- :

A serious sight special rod advocated by sight magician Shinjiro Inoue

A carbon solid sight-only rod that specializes in sight fishing.
A solid tip is used to attach a belly that can be hung and bent firmly and a delicate action.
The length of 6ft2inch, which was made with attention to the distance unique to the site, is also unique to the sight special.
This is the Sight Special Rod, which is finished in a rod with butt power that can easily raise the monster class bass hidden in the sacred place Ikehara Dam where Shinjiro Inoue is home.


Rod Sections (pcs)
Rod Length
188 cm
Rod Closed Length
188 cm
Rod Weight
78 g
Rod Test
0.4 — 3.5 g
Rod Line
2lb ~ 5lb
Rod Action
Rod Other
Solid Tip
Rod Material
Carbon content : 100%
US $240.42
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