DAYSPROUT Falltech 28g #13 SP Violet

DAYSPROUT Falltech 28g #13 SP Violet


The "Casting Jig" is designed for tackling deep, thick, and heavy main streams or deep areas of lakes. Its "flat shape & center balance" design, resembling a natural bait form, is optimal for targeting pelagic fish in offshore areas by randomly repeating "water bites and water releases" during the first retrieve. It excels in drawing reaction bites from large suspended fish in the mid-water column during free fall approaches. It can be used for long-distance casting into the mid-water column, followed by surface one-pitch jerks or long jerks, and then alternating with bottom tactics such as dragging or slow winding to stimulate and entice low-activity individuals by appealing to their instincts. Its use is recommended when feeling high pressure, in bad weather conditions, or when water temperatures rise, as it performs well in situations where conditions are difficult to gauge. It's a must-have item that shines in such circumstances.


Lure Weight
28 g
Lure Length
68 mm
0 US $0
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