DAMIKI Chinu Mouse W 13g #13 Haraguro Chinu

DAMIKI Chinu Mouse W 13g #13 Haraguro Chinu


Chinu games can be enjoyed everywhere in rivers with sand and mud, surf and tidal flats adjacent to the mouth of the river, where the bottom sediment is sand and mud.During the daytime preview (before and after low tide to rising), observe the movement of fish, crustaceans such as crabs and shrimp, and bait movements such as goby fry. It is also important to check for the presence of barnacle marks. You may also be able to see how it is attached to the structure. This kind of bright preview is very useful for assembling the game.What is the standard for weights when using Chinu Mouse W? First of all, you can feel the bottom. It is recommended to start with 7g. We will gradually attack from a short distance to a far distance. In the open area, we will approach a wide range by taking advantage of the outstanding flight distance of Chinu Mouse W, mainly 10g, and search for a place with hard bottom sediment. The place where the bottom knock interval is small due to slurping is a relatively hard bottom, so we will focus on such places and attack. In rivers with high flow velocity and wide rivers, the overwhelming flight distance of 13g of Chinu Mouse W is said. Since it is possible to attack the "rod missing point" that cannot be attacked by the stream core in the river or other rigs, you may get surprising fishing results. The technique is basic slurping & stopping. In addition to that, it is also effective to put a small shake around the paving stone at your feet and invite a bite to "shake". Where there are many oysters on the paving stones, there are many chinu, so it is especially effective. Shake is also added when the bottom is undulating or hits an obstacle. In addition, where there is a change in the flow due to the undulations of the bottom or the structure, slow retrieve while drifting on the flow so that it rolls on the bottom is also effective. Chinu is highly omnivorous and preys on various things such as bait ghost crabs, mantis shrimp, shrimp, clams, razor clams, sea lettuce, fry of goby, and worms. Even in the same river, strong colors come out depending on the season and the situation of the day. Therefore color rotation is important. It is an important point to quickly find the hit color of the day by color rotation so that it can respond to various changing baits, and when the reaction slows down, search for a color that responds well by color rotation again, and further to extend the fishing result. Curious Chinu ... Chinu game with many possibilities. The trump card for the bottom game, Chinu Mouse W! It seems that I will be able to make various discoveries this year as well. Please try Chinumouth W in your field. I think it will make new discoveries.


Lure Weight
13 g
US $4.38
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