DAIWA Saltist 711MLB

DAIWA Saltist 711MLB


Swinging to the limit is exhilarating! The new era of bait SW rods.

A new standard for SW lure bait rods has emerged, designed exclusively for PE line use.

The rod designed exclusively for PE line has a stiffness that controls tip wobble and a design that smoothly loads lure weight onto the butt, allowing the rod to bend and snap back quickly, propelling the lure forward. Even during a full cast, the tip doesn't flutter, the line flows smoothly, and the lure projects forward. Naturally, this increases casting distance and precision dramatically.

They are matched perfectly with the SALTIST reel, tuned specifically to enable confident, unrestricted casting. The rods are designed with castability in mind and feature tubular tops throughout the range.

The models 74LB/711MLB are designed with a straight joint configuration that allows sharp, powerful casts. The 84MB/92HB/89XHB models are designed with a reverse joint configuration, ensuring that the lure fully loads the rod from the butt, enhancing the overall power and control during casting. This new lineup offers versatility and robust performance for a wide range of saltwater bait casting applications.

Saltist 711MLB :

Suitable for lures weighing 5-21g, this rod is versatile for jig heads, minnows, vibrations, and free rigs. It excels in targeting Chinning (black porgy), Seabass, and various flatfish. Recommended reels are the SALTIST TW80, though the TW100 also fits well, providing a good balance of power and sensitivity.

A catchy name design that stands out during photo shoots :

Design the name part to be large and conspicuous so that the rod used during the shooting can be recognized at a glance.

The mid-grip is designed with lightness in mind :

Make the mid-grip compact, with an emphasis on the lightness characteristic of bass rods. (※The image is of the 711MLB)

The reel seat is compatible with the size of the SALTIST reel :

Considering the appropriate reel size and lure weight, models up to 84MB utilize an Air Sensor Blank Touch seat. Models 92HB and above are equipped with Fuji TCS reel seats. (※The image is of the 92HB)

Technologies used in the models of this series :


Rod Type
Rod Sections (pcs)
Rod Length
241 cm
Rod Closed Length
124 cm
Rod Weight
112 g
Rod Test
5 — 21 g
Rod Line
PE # 0.6 ~ 1.5
Rod Tip/Butt Diam
1.6 mm / 12.8 mm
Rod Material
Carbon content : 98%
US $167.21
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