DAIWA Flat Junkie Hirametal-Z TG30 #Hirame Pink Marble

DAIWA Flat Junkie Hirametal-Z TG30 #Hirame Pink Marble


A compact 2-hook casting jig for capturing flatfish and magochi hidden in the bottom and offshore breaks. A treble hook metal jig that allows you to keep the range without being lifted up even in strong currents, as well as amazing flight distance due to the tungsten high specific gravity small grain body. Multifaceted high flаshing structure inherited from Hirametal (left-right symmetry). A hook position limiter that eliminates hook entanglement in the front and back. Full of functions to capture flatfish and magochi such as detachable bite marker tinsel. Hook specification : Front ST-46#10 treble ; Rear ST-46#8 treble


Lure Weight
30 g
Lure Length
55 mm
US $12.01
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