ALFRED Alf Area 1.5g #07 Holopin Splash

ALFRED Alf Area 1.5g #07 Holopin Splash


The ALF SPOON 1.5g, with a total blade length of 24mm, offers a smart and consistent wobbling roll action that is straightforward and free of quirks. This makes it versatile enough to adapt to various fields and conditions. It is particularly well-matched to the current area fishing scene, offering a size that is conducive to steady fishing and effectively maintaining the desired depth range. This makes it a highly neutral spoon, ideal for achieving targeted fishing outcomes.

No.07 Holopin Splash

Both sides are fluorescent pink, with the front adorned with holographic glitter and the back accented with black splashes. This highly appealing color is ideal for times when fish are active and responsive to action, enticing instinctual bites


Lure Weight
1.5 g
Lure Length
24 mm
0 US $0
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