ZEAL OPTICS Baron F-1655 Matt Black/Light Sports

ZEAL OPTICS Baron F-1655 Matt Black/Light Sports


Elevate your vision with the cutting-edge design and functionality of these polarized sunglasses. Perfect for the dynamic and discerning individual, they blend high performance with versatility, ensuring clear and comfortable vision in various environments and activities.

Key Features:
  • Frame Material: Expertly crafted from a durable blend of titanium and β-titanium, the frame offers unmatched strength and flexibility, maintaining a lightweight feel for all-day comfort.
  • Lens Technology: Equipped with TALEX CR-39 polarized lenses, these sunglasses provide exceptional clarity and contrast. The advanced polarization reduces glare and blocks harmful UV rays, protecting your eyes with superior optical quality.
  • Curve Design: The innovative 4Curve lens structure enhances your field of vision and adds an extra layer of protection, making these sunglasses ideal for diverse lighting conditions.

Unique Features:
  • Interchangeable Jacket: The unique polarized jacket can be effortlessly attached or detached, allowing customization based on activity or time of day. This feature offers the flexibility to transition from high-performance sportswear to stylish daily wear effortlessly.
  • Re-engineered Joint Structure: A robust joint mechanism increases the longevity and durability of the sunglasses, designed to endure the demands of active lifestyles.

  • Versatile Application: These sunglasses excel in various activities, including cycling, fishing, and driving. The quick lens interchangeability makes them also ideal for low-light conditions like dusk or dawn, enhancing visibility during night fishing or evening drives.
  • Everyday Wear: Beyond their functional excellence, these glasses serve as a fashionable accessory when the polarized jacket is removed, seamlessly integrating style with everyday practicality.

Quality Assurance:
  • High-Quality Materials: Constructed with premium titanium and advanced nylon in the frame and high-quality Japanese-made TALEX polarized lenses, these sunglasses exceed standard quality expectations.
  • Enhanced Durability: With features like a hard multi-coat, superior anti-reflective and scratch-resistant coatings, these sunglasses ensure a durable, high-performance wear resistant to natural elements and everyday use, maintaining clarity and comfort.


US $95.72
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