VELVET ARTS Forte 1.8g #13 Mild Fluorescent Pink

VELVET ARTS Forte 1.8g #13 Mild Fluorescent Pink


Every color has a clear role.

#13 マイルド蛍光ピンク [Mild Fluorescent Pink]

Coloring : Pink (fluorescent matte finish)

Back : Fluorescent pink, which is a representative color of the same color as the front.

It is effective to throw it in between the rote, change the trout's eyes, pick up a few of them, and return to the favorite color to earn more.
The mild toning with a slight whitish color makes it easy to throw and has a long-lasting reaction.
It is also the favorite color for large rainbow trout and rock trout. Don't forget to check the line before throwing.

Such a color!

  • Rote's chopstick resting existence
  • 7 A classic "insertion color" along with blue silver
  • Big fish killer

Features :


Overall length 25.5mm (width 11.8mm)
1.8g A feeling of standard size as a class.
Body shape that makes it easy to get a long distance.

Easy-to-read engraving :

For a spoon, weight is an important factor that makes a difference in fishing results.
The reason for deepening the engraving is that it is easy to see.
Even if the paint film is thick, such as pearl or glow, the engraving will not be smeared, and the weight can be identified at a glance.
Since the deep engraving has a considerable effect on the action, we conducted a swim test with the engraving from the beginning of development.

Deep cup

The deep cup shape grabs the water firmly and generates a strong wave that makes the trout away from the lure notice its existence.
The appealing power of the fresh trout that has just been released is directly linked to the fishing results.
Time has passed since the release, and even when dealing with trout familiar to the pound, it is possible to select and catch relatively active individuals by making many fish interested in strong waves.

Short flat nose

The flat design at the tip of the nose swiftly captures the resistance of water despite its small area, giving sharpness to the action.

By catching water on the surface, if you retrieve the rod tip at a higher position, the force that guides the lure toward the water surface works strongly, and you can easily keep the range even at slow speed.

If you lower the rod tip to the surface of the water and wind the reel, it will not float easily even with a fast retrieve and you can search quickly.

Excellent operability

  • Feeling buzzing
  • The line is easy to stretch, so the bite is clear
  • Easy to understand what you are doing and easy to keep the range

Designed to meet these three elements and be easy to handle from beginners to experts.

Unless it is very slow, basically it does not perform irregular action, but it swims tightly to your feet with strong & stable action.

Quick rise

Thorough shape adjustment eliminates the motivation that is typical of wide-action spoons.

Not only is it easy to pick up the winding start bite, which is the biggest chance in one cast, but also the reaction immediately after the angler invites with a tip can be surely made into a thing.

Trout's instinctive favorite movement

From a huge number of test samples, we selected blanks that have both stable swimming and a slight slalom trajectory. Focusing on the result of "catch", the final claw is carried out by steady work to see the reaction of trout at fishing spots in various places.


Lure Weight
1.8 g
Lure Length
25.5 mm
Lure Other Size
Width : 11.8mm
US $3.78
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