VALLEYHILL BlackScale Distance Edition BSDC-88X/3 KuroKage

VALLEYHILL BlackScale Distance Edition BSDC-88X/3 KuroKage


Shadow "Distance Edition" to send to a true expert[Kurouto]

The ultimate achromatic color consisting only of shades of black and the presence or absence of luster. Introducing the "KuroKage" version of 83X and 87XX, which dare to erase the flashy elements of the conventional design and wear the ultimate monotone-based design consisting only of the shade of black and the presence or absence of luster. A true expert who always acts under the surface of the water. Their fishing line is always stealth so as to hide in the shadow (scenery), but in the end it always creates a strong influence and a new trend. The "KuroKage" version is a design that pays homage to such a style. Not only the thread color scheme but also the logo color that should stand out is unified to black, and the grip design is also changed from separate to straight, and the complete stealth design that thoroughly eliminates the element of "gloss" is a special spec of this series. It can be said that their styles overlap.
BSDC-101XX ReiWān, the "ultra-long cast specialized snake caro model" that the heroes of the Lake Biwa long cast game have been waiting for, is now available. It is a specification that requires not only the angler who is the user at 10ft over but also the tackle balance, but beyond that, a new world of long cast games is waiting. In the development test, the combination of No. 12 sinker (45g) + 3 inch worm snake caro and 14lb fluoro line recorded 125m over with a slight tailwind reference record.

BSDC-88XX/3 玄景 [KuroKage]

Although it is a pack rod, it is a power model that can handle size 10 to 12 heavy weight rods. Although it has a length in the latter half of 8 feet, it features a versatile taper and rod balance that can handle slightly heavier no-sinker worms and scrolls. In addition, the spiral guide specification, which is a feature of the series, reduces the misalignment of the joint due to the twisting peculiar to pack rods during use.





Rod Sections (pcs)
Rod Length
264 cm
Rod Closed Length
112 cm
Rod Weight
290 g
Rod Test
10 — 56 g
Rod Line
10lb ~ 25lb
Rod Action
Regular Fast
Rod Tip/Butt Diam
2.4 mm / 13.0 mm
Rod Material
Carbon content : 99%
US $240.71
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