TULALA Squirrel Catcher Ami SS

TULALA Squirrel Catcher Ami SS


A rubber net designed mainly for small fish.

The concept is "shooting" .
I made rubber nets of several colors so that they would look good on the fish when I caught them,
and chose brown as the color that would prevent them from escaping or rampaging during shooting.
In the world of fishing fruit photography, which is mainly fish,
we have realized a low price with a design that suppresses claims.
Trout of mountain stream ~ S size of managed fishing spot size.
Two types of SS size are available for use in Oikawa and Kawamutu.

"Squirrel Catching Ami S"
Size: Inner diameter 280 x 205 mm

"Squirrel Catching Ami SS"
Size: Inner diameter 250 x 180 mm


US $42.50
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