

A sudden decision to launch the TULALA Tournament Rod Series prompted numerous urgent discussions despite everyone's busy schedules.

The cornerstone of rod building is the strategic setting of the guides to enhance the rod's characteristics, and for this crucial element, we secured cooperation from Maeda Manufacturing, who developed a completely original guide setting known as "Straw Setting." Alongside Maeda, Umeda-san, who also competes in chapters such as Hyogo, joined the planning team. This duo of a guide setting expert and a tournament competitor was specifically selected by TULALA representative Kentaro Ogawa (hereafter, Ogaken).

As discussions progressed, it became clear why these individuals were chosen.

They have the courage to tackle the challenging category of tournament rods, knowing full well the difficulties involved.

The team possessed the necessary skills, boldness, and an ensemble equipped with these attributes.

The aim was not just to challenge but to create a tournament rod unique to TULALA, capable of securing victories.

A team has been formed to directly confront a new category for TULALA, challenging the norms with unprecedented strategies.

Introducing the evolved TULALA Tournament Series, "Bass Amp.," which takes rod settings to the next level. 

In tournament fishing that spans a season, it's crucial to consistently catch fish throughout the year and often strategize by securing a solid base of keepers before targeting big kickers. Japanese bass fields are generally small, and especially in tournament lakes, angler pressure significantly impacts the fishing.

In challenging conditions, employing a spinning strategy to ensure catching at least one fish can be decisive. This finesse spinning model was developed with a focus on light rigs, particularly adept at manipulating a drop shot rig. It features an XF (Extra Fast) taper tip action that facilitates subtle shakes and reliably detects delicate bites. The belly section smoothly transmits the hooking power from the tip to the butt, ensuring that the fish doesn't gain the upper hand and the rod absorbs the power effectively. The tubular blank is designed with meticulous attention to operability across all sections.

To maximize the performance of this blank, "Straw Setting HD" proposed by TULALA × Maeda Manufacturing is implemented. It features 13 guides, positioned in small diameters and multiple points, ensuring the line follows the bend of the blank perfectly, providing exceptional cast feel, lure control, and sensitivity. It is designed for use with approximately 3 lb fluorocarbon lines, evolving uniquely as a guide setting suited for monofilament lines prone to developing line memory.

"Straw Setting HD" positions the butt section's entrance guide and choke guide closer to the reel side than typical guide settings. It features an original EVA reel seat designed to adjust the reel's tilt angle, facilitating line release towards the closer-positioned guides. Of course, the grip is designed to be comfortable and easy to hold, even during prolonged shaking.

TULALA's latest cutting-edge tournament bass rod "Bass Amp." is something we truly want everyone to experience, with its overwhelming functionality.

Benefits of Straw Setting HD

  • During casting, the line does not flail about, preventing interference with casting distance.
  • When maneuvering the lure, the line follows along the rod, which enhances sensitivity.
  • After hooking a target, it does not interfere with the bending of the rod.
  • There's a unique sense of unity, as if the reel, line, and rod are fused together with the lure.


Rod Type
Rod Sections (pcs)
Rod Length
190 cm
Rod Closed Length
163.5 cm
Rod Weight
88 g
Rod Test
0.9 — 7 g
Rod Line
~ 5lb ; PE : ~ 0.8号
Rod Action
Extra Fast
Rod Other
Rear Grip Length : 245 mm
US $437.33
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