TICT Ice Cube IC-710TPS "Pluggin'Shape"

TICT Ice Cube IC-710TPS "Pluggin'Shape"


IC-710TPS is a model that specializes in plug action based on the concept of "a rod that firmly shapes mebaru plugging". It has an outstanding cast feel with bounce back power that allows you to put the hollow plug firmly on the blank and cast it for a long time. In addition, the ultra-fine tubular tip allows you to clearly feel the flow of the tide even with a lightweight plug, and realizes high operability that makes it easy to attach delicate actions. It has a butt power and flexibility that is comparable to large mebaru, and it is a plugging shape that embodies the real pleasure of "accumulating and catching''.


Rod Sections (pcs)
Rod Length
244 cm
Rod Closed Length
127 cm
Rod Weight
82 g
Rod Test
0.8 — 11 g
Rod Line
PE # 0.1 ~ 0.6
Rod Action
Rod Tip/Butt Diam
1.1 mm / 8.5 mm
Rod Other
Tip : Tubular
US $231.49
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