JET SLOW x TULALA "Jet Setter 69 C" Tokyo_Beast

JET SLOW x TULALA "Jet Setter 69 C" Tokyo_Beast


Sexy Purple × Sexy Number for adults only.

Produced by designer Kozo. A new style sent to the world .

Strong, supple and agile.
Wearing black-purple armor, a bewitching and amazing rod like a Japanese sword was created.

There is no feeling of weight due to the well-developed balance design. You can freely manipulate the rod vertically, horizontally and diagonally. The fast-action, high-sensitivity and swing-through tip allows you to carefully poke the bottom with a 7g sinker rig or quickly jerk a big bait of around 2oz.

The main battlefield is an impregnable heavy cover.

A serious match with the big fish that unfolds in the back. A tough berry that shoots a thick jaw with hooking and turns the fish's face to this side, a bat that does not give initiative to the opponent, and a grip that integrates with the arm will surely assist the interaction with the fish.

And big bait up to around 2oz and all rolls can be operated. The 69C, which is strong and supple, can handle long-distance fights with distant fish, fishing with a good shoreline, and frog games. It's as if you're going to challenge a strong enemy in pairs with your partners

One of the impressions that the limbs tremble with 69C.

With a closed size of 56 cm, it can be easily stored in a general suitcase. A little break on a business trip, a feeling of excitement that hides secret weapons secretly from your partner, and how to enjoy it.

Jet Setter 69 C :

Length: 6 feet 9 inches 

Own weight: Approximately 195g

Fast action ;  Heavy class ; 

Corresponding weight: 1/4oz ~ 2oz

Number of joints: 4 

Closing dimensions: 56cm 

Line: Monofill 12lb ~ 25lb, PE ~ 5


Rod Sections (pcs)
Rod Length
205 cm
Rod Closed Length
56 cm
Rod Weight
195 g
Rod Test
7 — 56 g
Rod Line
12lb ~ 25lb, PE ~ # 5
Rod Action
US $364.47
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